Es befinden sich keine weiteren Artikel in Ihrem WarenkorbPORSCHE CAYMAN 2006-2008 Mittelkonsole Armaturendekor Cockpit Dekor 32-Teile
Vehicle Make: Porsche Modell: Cayman 987 Variante: All Models and Versions Manufacturing Year:2005-2008 -2012 Quantity of Trim Parts: 32 Parts From Product Diagram Position of Interior Customisation Part: Dash Board, Doors, Air Vents, Glove Box, Steering Wheel, Light Switch, Gear Box 3D-effect through thick material, gives a high-gloss effect, burl wood,...
Herstellungszeit 5-9 Tage,Lieferzeit 1-5 Tage
144,99 €